A Hipster Fad Has Invaded My Home


the 1928 limited-edition purple portable Remington typewriter, boyfrog's fantastic Christmas present to me (formerly of an old woman's attic - thank you eBay). Not only does it work, it's purple! I may use it (for most of my life, even though we always had computers, I still used typewriters for personal writing) but I also know it's going to be a bitchin display piece when we move in together.
After the NYTs profiled digital-natives who have a typewriter fetish, my beloved antique clackers have been dubbed a hipster trend, an "annoying retro fad." Maybe so, but to some of us, these will always be works of art.
And if plenty of eye-lined, skinny-jean-clad children soon flood eBay and Craigslist with their passe treasures, but that pleases us die-hards - more for us!

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