Pen Porn!

"In celebration of Writing Week..."
Specifically, this is National Novel Writing Week. I don't write fiction, and I'm not a fan of designating weeks or months to celebrate ideas or passions. Every week should be banned book week, or writing week. But it's the perfect excuse for Lifehacker to allow those of us with literary pursuits and stationery fetishes to stop hiding in the library and Staples and Papyrus and show the world our instruments!
This week we are allowed to discuss the finer points of favorite pens and the rules of notebooks (puns totally intended). Personally, I hate the Moleskin and the Mead and in my nearly 30 years I've never had a favorite pen. Notes and rough drafts are best written, but I can't consider a piece done until I've typed it. I compulsively write lists for everything. For diary or journal entries (it doesn't matter what you call it), I never wanted a little book with a cheap lock. I spent my teen years furiously typing my thoughts into a Word document (or, Word Perfect - God, I'm getting old) because I almost type fast enough to keep up with my thoughts. But in the past couple of years that has begun to feel cold and distant. Putting a pen to paper, almost as if the ink is pouring out of your hands, feels more intimate when writing your feelings.
Obviously, I'm a fan of the blog(ger). That's where it ends. No one on Facebook needs to know what I'm doing at any given moment.
I don't tweet. Ever.
My advice to all of you - don't tweet. Write.

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