Heating Assistance for Royals

In the wise words of Monty Python, a watery tart distributing swords is no basis for a form of government. Why inbred dowagers continue to rule countries is beyond me. But this bit of news should make the English look to their former enemy France for advice on how to deal with unruly royals.

Yahoo News: "Queen tried to get UK poverty fund to heat palace"

Apparently, it costs 1.5 million pounds to heat Buckingham Palace. I've heard they have a history of taking from the poor and giving to the rich, but this is cold indeed.

This reminded me of Hadley Freeman's book on the UK fashion industry, The Meaning of Sunglasses. She wrote:

Designers love the equestrian look, not because they idolize jockey Franki Dettori (although that man is just fabulous as keeping his weight down) but because they associate it with the upper classes. Unlike a lot of people, when designers talk about the upper classes, they don’t mean the unnattractive, dull-witted, incestuous sorts you’d find in a Evelyn Waugh novel, but rather the breezy, arrogant types Helena Bonham Carter used to play in moves before she stopped brushing her hair. This is mainly because they think these people are the people who can afford their clothes, when in fact, as pretty much everyone else knows, these old-school aristos tend to be utterly broke, not have worked for the past thousand years and spending the inheritance on buying heroin and having the roof fixed.
 Now that autumn is here again, I can't see an ad for boots without thinking of this. It just tickles me!
I wonder how much that crown is worth...

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