Womens Health and Republicans

Under the current administration: 'As Reuters reports, a leaked Department Of Health and Human Services memo... redefines all birth control as abortion.'
Science says otherwise, but who needs that crap? Science, medicine, evolution - pfft!
And for those of you who think that life with McCain will be any different (because 78 year old men really feel our pain), get the facts: 'Have you seen the video of a woman earlier this week asking John McCain why "health insurance companies cover Viagra but not birth control"? After silence, some chin-rubbing and arm-crossing, he replied, "I don't know enough about it to give you a informed answer." '
McCain can't answer a simple question - what else is new?
Both quotes are from Jezebel, and I'll let them finish this for me:
'We have an overpopulated, at-risk planet, in which a child dies of dehydration every seven minutes and a woman dies of a botched abortion every seven minutes (not to mention the hunger crises in Asia, Africa and Europe). Why is a pill for "erectile dysfunction" — not a life threatening or, frankly, as life-impacting condition as pregnancy — promoted and widely available? And free for the insured? While oral contraceptives (with health advantages like decreased menstrual blood loss, reduced risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer, improved acne and decreased menstrual cramps and pain and uh, not getting pregnant) are not? McCain was at a loss for words, maybe you can fill in his blanks?'

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