Classic Toon Tuesday - Danger Mouse

Danger Mouse was not a Looney Tune. For those of you who are thinking of the Grey Album, think again (no disrespect - I love me some Gnarles Barkley, of which DJ Danger Mouse is one half. And my mother loves it that she paid for an English degree and I say things like, I love me some...). Danger Mouse was a British cartoon from the early 80s that Nickelodeon aired during it's broadcast infancy. And I firmly believe that, if it's British, it's funny. Even though the villain, Silas Baron Greenback, is a frog, I still love this cartoon that reeks of my happy 80s childhood.

"He's the greatest, he's amazing, he's the greatest super agent in the world!"

I also believe that certain characteristics from Austin Powers were stolen from Danger Mouse - Penfold said "crickey" first, and he said it best. And Nero was the original Mr. Bigglesworth.
Was too!
And don't even get me started on how Danger Mouse and Penfold were totally a couple. I mean, come on. They lived in a phallic symbol. Penfold was definitely DM's bitch. Everytime they took a bath together, Danger Mouse dropped the soap. And, back in the day, after each Danger Mouse episode they would air - wait for it - Banana Man! I rest my case.

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