St. Patrick's Day

I'm only 1/4 Irish (otherwise French - hence blog spokesfrog), but everyone is Irish today anyway.

Reasons to be proud you're Irish:

...Latin literature would almost surely have been lost without the Irish, and illiterate Europe would hardly have developed its great national literatures without the example of Irish, the first vernacular to be written down. Beyond that, there would have perished in the West not only literacy but all the habits of mind that encourage though.

Why we love St. Patrick:

His love for his adopted people shines through his writings, and it is not just a generalized "Christian" benevolence, but a love for individuals as they are.

The horror of slavery was never lost on him: "But it is the women kept in slavery who suffer the most - and who keep their spirits up despite the menacing and terrorizing they must endure."

...Patrick has become an Irishman, a man who can give far more credibility to a woman's strength and fortitude than could any classically educated man.

However blind his British contemporaries may have been to it, the greatness of Patrick is beyond dispute: the first human being in the history of the world to speak out unequivocally against slavery.

All quotes from How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill
Frog plush from

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